Receiving the second work of grace – To the straying believer.
As a new creature in Christ, one of the first and early challenge you’ll begin to have as you show your light to the world is rejection. The world will begin to reject you not because of any physical attack but because your new godly principles and views sharply opposes theirs. When you speak, they’ll give you no answer, when you try to relate with them, you are counted strange. All these things make some start regretting this new life they’ve found in Jesus. Inasmuch as they have decided to follow Christ, they still wish the world won’t reject them, they still want the world to hail them as before when they speak, they still want the world to give them at least some attention, and when they see none of these expectations coming to pass, rather, they’re fast loosing their place in the world, they are fast loosing very friends, they are fast loosing popularity, they are fast loosing out on everything, they cringe and start asking the world to forgive their seriousness with Christ from the kind of attitude they began to put up and give up godly conversations for a world friendly one.
They are telling the world, “it’s not what you think, am a new man but I still want you to love me”
“I pray for you, that the grace of God that brought you into his kingdom, and has called you to walk the narrow way, the same grace will enable and keep you, grant you the necessary conviction you need to run the race to the end in Jesus name.”
“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” – John 15:19
As believers, they Bible enjoins us to bear one another’s burden. If a young brother or sister is going astray because of pressures from the world, it is not for us to mock or castigate them but to help them. Growing up in Christ is not easy. If we can remember how it was with us as a new convert, we could tell that it takes the grace of God, the mercy of God and help of other believers whom the holy spirit used to encourage and strengthen us to become who we are today. Because the enemy is never happy to see a slave of his been set free, he never stops to fight to bring them back to his custody. That’s the reason for the pressures he mount on them. He start telling them how lonely they are, how the world does not recognise them, and how they are going to suffer for the new decision they’ve taken, and they in turn begin to wonder, begin to endure, and begin to think how to balance things up.
[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”If this describe you, I pray that the Lord will touch you the second time in Jesus name.”[/perfectpullquote]
The second work of grace. Why you need it.
At salvation, you have your sins pardoned. You no longer want to steal, cheat, or tell lies. You no longer want to fight, kill or commit immorality, but the nucleus of sin still exist in you. Deep down in your heart there are some inner cravings, desires and tendencies, you can still envy the world and lust after some old habit or lifestyle. If this root is not taken out of your heart, with time worldly desires will begin to bud again and gradually you’ll become a full fledge sinner. How it will eventually happen could be a surprise to you too, that is why you must not remain at the level of salvation from sin alone. Let God not only take your sins away, let Him also take you away from sin. This is the second work of grace. It is called, sanctification or purity of heart. This experience takes the root of sin out of your heart, replacing that empty space with God’s holy nature. With this experience, you no longer want to look anything like the world, all you are looking forward to is becoming as He is. You are no longer worried with what the world is thinking or not thinking of you, but what you are in Christ. You have moved from one level of grace to another. Now you have true freedom and happiness to serve God.
If this is the kind of experience you want to have, why not ask the Lord for it today.
“If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” – John 14:14
He has done it before, he will do it again. He did it for men of old, his disciples, and he’s still doing it for many today. Let him circumcise your heart and take away the power of sin and silence the pressures within your heart. If you ask him, he will do it
How to receive the second work of grace.

To receive this second work of grace, you must
Sincerely thirst for it: Remaining at the level of Salvation may not take you far in your Christian journey. There will be a lot of struggling, pain, endurance and management. To reduce the risk of going back, you must thirst for a better experience. Secondly,
Separate yourself: when you truly thirst after something, nothing on earth can satisfy except what you thirst for. When your heart become so thirsty for God, nothing else but God you will desire and this will lead to consecration. Separating yourself from distractions, the crowd, unnecessary conversations will help you focus on God.
Pray to God: I don’t need to say, pray fervently, because when the soul is thirsty and the heart searching, that alone is an earnest prayer to God more than the mouth could interpret. So pray with this earnestness from a thirsty soul and a searching heart and believe that He has heard you. Pray until you are satisfied and your thirst has turned into peace and tranquility in God. Pray until He leaves you with that assurance of joy. And, who knows, you might be receiving more than what you’ve asked for. God is gracious, He can sanctify you and at the same time in fill you with the Spirit’s Baptism and cause joy to overflow your heart. I tell you, your life will never remain the same.
God is not happy seeing you go the way of the world because of pressures and fears, he is saying to you, “Come up higher…” Will you?
If you are willing then He is ready.

Born in the Western part of Nigeria, is a teacher of God’s word and a promoter of purposeful living. She is on a mission to bring humanity closer to God through her inspired God-centered teachings, and help Christians live their lives in full for God’s glory