4 Key Elements to Knowing God

4 Key Elements to Knowing God

GOD is the only being that everyone should know by birth, by experience, by nature and by death. His presence is everywhere and at all time. Men and women, the young and old can say at some point in their lives that they have at least tasted a feel of him.
Becoming free from the curse of the law

Becoming free from the curse of the law

"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" When we talk of the Old Testament Laws, they are rules and orders God put in place under the older covenant to make his called out children separate from the heathen nations in terms of how they are to carry out spiritual duties, ceremonial duties, inter-personal relationships, things unclean and clean...
The destructive weapon of fear and authority

The destructive weapon of fear and authority

One of the destructive weapons of authority in a man's life is when it is manifested together with any negative emotion. In such a situation, it becomes a threat and not a blessing as it has the capacity to completely rob a man of the room to manifest faith for the moment, which in turn may lead to a destructive prayer. But if God still has a word or two for Elijah, then the mission is not yet over.
The heartset for heaven’s mandate

The heartset for heaven’s mandate

Heaven studies the heart and knows what it is we are truly passionate about. As new testament believers, we cannot overcome the enemy if there is one within us in form of anything we consider more precious to divine order.
How do I know if am in the will of God?

How do I know if am in the will of God?

To know the will of God for us is to know the mind of God at any given time, and this helps us choose the right paths in life. Most people today spend more than half of their lives or all their entire life ignorant of the will of God for them. Maybe they've heard about it but couldn't make anything out of it, or perhaps they were not given all the information that was needed to help them make a decision about God's will for them.
Is the rapture of the saints a false doctrine?

Is the rapture of the saints a false doctrine?

The rapture, in Christian eschatology is an event that will pave way for other end time events. Christian eschatology looks to study and discuss matters concerned with the final events of history such as death and the afterlife, Heaven and Hell, the second coming of Jesus, the resurrection of the dead, the rapture, the tribulation, millennialism, the end of the world, the Last Judgment, the New Heaven and New Earth