What should I teach when talking to a friend about the gospel?

What should I teach when talking to a friend about the gospel?

This question is a very important one to ask. Having in mind that every child of God have been given a mandate to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel…”, we are expected to ‘Go’ as commanded.

Most times, the fears people do have when it comes to telling the gospel to someone is not an unwillingness to represent Christ but it is not knowing what to start preaching or teaching

They get nervous, perhaps, because they feel they don’t know enough of the Bible or are new to the Faith. But on the contrary, first of all, the gospel means Good News, and when someone have a good news to give to someone else, the person doesn’t get nervous to say it, it comes easily. The point is, telling a friend about the gospel is simply telling them about Christ. Christ is the good news that came into the world to die for the sins of mankind and to deliver them from its power, thereby giving us the hope of eternal life

For instance, when you tell a friend that, beyond his life here on earth he or she has the hope of eternal life because of the death of Jesus on the cross, it is good news. All the friend need to do is accept this by faith, believing that his or her sins have been paid for.

There is a part we can do in telling someone about the gospel, and there is another part we cannot do –  that is, saving that person. Ours is to tell people about Jesus, persuade them, encourage and pray for them. But it is in God’s hand and power to save them. Once our part has been done, we leave the rest to God.

So, what you should teach when speaking to a friend about the gospel is –
JESUS – He is the central focus of the gospel. That is to say, you teach everything about Him.

  • His coming to the world (John 1:1-14)
  • The purpose of his coming (John 3:16,17; Matthew 1:21)
  • His suffering for our sin for the purpose of saving us (Isaiah 53:1-end)
  • His death and crucifixion (He died that we may live. he was hanged on a tree to bear our curse – for it is written, cursed is every man that hangeth on a tree – Cross. Galatians 3:13)
  • His blood (that remits sin. Hebrews 9:22)
  • His burial (to destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8 and get the key of death – victory over death. Which all who receive him will also get. 1 Corinthians 15:55)
  • His resurrection and ascension (triumphing victoriously over death and grave, resurrected as Lord and returned to his glory – original home above to sit at the right hand of God the Father. Hebrews 8:1)

Ours is to ‘Go’ and tell people all about Christ as he has commanded. It is the work of the spirit of God to bring illumination and conversion to the soul.