Receiving and remaining in the grace of God

Receiving and remaining in the grace of God

How can we receive and remain in the grace of God?

The simplest definition of Grace is, God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. The grace of God enable us do what ordinarily we would not be able to do. For instance, a sinner cannot stop sinning all by him/herself, it takes the grace of God for such person to repent of sin. Also, a believer cannot receive the second work of grace – sanctification – without the grace of God. It also takes that grace to have other experiences like the baptism in the Holy Ghost and other Christian virtues. Everything we have and receive in Christ, we receive by grace

“WE then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God In vain” – 2 Corinthians 6:1

The verse above shows that it is possible for someone to receive the grace of God in vain. (you may also like this post, A song titled the grace of God) When a believer is living less than what Christ expect, a life that is not glorifying to God, it is not because there is the absence of grace, but the believer has refused to make use of the grace existing within. Listening to false teachings and prophets, allowing some evil habits to continue and giving room to laxity and coldness in one’s life and in God’s service is rendering the grace of God to be of no effect. The grace of God is free but there are ample reasons why it should not be received in vain


Reasons not to receive the grace of God in vain

It is God’s riches 

God's riches
God’s riches

The Bible says that Christ became poor that we might become rich. But when we are now poor and especially in the area of grace, it means we are not enjoying the riches that is already ours in Christ. Being poor of the grace of God should not be tolerated in a believer’s life because it is the believer’s right in God the Father, and He freely give it to those that ask for it. On the other hand, receiving this grace in vain means we are wasters of Christ’s heavenly resources

It cost Christ his life  

at Christ's expense
At Christ’s expense

stopping at the fact that it is God’s riches is one side of it, but considering also that it was at Christ’s expense, should encourage believers not to receive the grace in vain. Christ lay down his life so that we would live for him and serve him, therefore, receiving this gift called grace, and not delivering service to God, calls for revival and quickening by the Spirit. It also means that Christ had died in vain


Receiving and remaining in the grace of God

Firstly, if you’re not yet saved, you can receive the grace of God today. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” – Romans 10:13. He has already paid the price for your sin, all you need to do is call upon him and you will be saved. Secondly, renew your strength and be renewed in the spirit of your mind (Ephesians 4:23). Thirdly, read, study and meditate daily in His word, also ask him to direct you in all things and keep you in the grace of God. Fourthly, ask for more grace and pray for a fresh, new grace each day. The grace of yesterday is not enough for today. Walk with God and be obedient to him always. When you do all this, the grace of God will not be in vain in your life