Focus and Shift: Dealing with Distraction

Focus and Shift: Dealing with Distraction

Focus and Shift: Dealing with Distraction

When you focus on something, there is the full concentration of attention. There are quite a number of things we focused on perhaps while growing up as children but as we keep growing older focus keep changing. Going back to the beginning in Genesis chapter 1 where God said, “Let us make man in our own image and in our likenes”, we see that when each one of us was created, God dropped something in us to ‘focus’ on in our entire lifetime. This is what keeps drawing our subconscious mind within to what God wants us to do here on earth. Focus is what gives us a course in life and keeps us in line with both God and humanity – it makes us know what to do or what we’re supposed to be doing here on earth

But in the reality of our world, so many things call for our attention, and some of them seem to present themselves as urgent. They are factors that may shift a man from the most important things.

To be able to maintain our goal and focus, there are things to look out for as will be outlined below.


  • Desperation: When you want something so badly and you want it now! Then watch out, you’re likely to shift from your focus. I remembered when I was in the development phase of this website, the goal was to share the word of God. But a time came when I started looking for money – I was very broke. I started surfing the net on how to make money, of course, there were different answers to that questions but little by little without even knowing it, the inspiration started changing from sharing to making money. I started re-strategizing and so many wonderful ideas were flowing. But thank God, suddenly I came to myself and a question rose up in my heart, “Have you forgotten why you are building momentwithGod?” I know the answer in my head but I still quickly ran into the room and picked up the paper where I wrote the purpose of the project and re-read it to myself again just to make it sink. And thank God, I didn’t lose my focus. I got back to work.


  • Too Much To Do: When we are encumbered with too many things and expect to concentrate properly, that can be difficult. It only gives room for losing one’s focus. A good example is seen in the book of Luke chapter 10 vs 38 – 42 – the account where Jesus visited Lazarus whose sisters were Mary and Martha. Martha was so busy with the serving that she felt frustrated and complained to Jesus about how her sister Mary was not helping matter by refusing to give her a helping hand. But that’s not the most important thing. The most important thing was what Mary focused on and that was Christ.


  • Restlessness / Fear / Worry and Anxiety: These are the father of all distractions. Remember when Jesus walked on the sea and how Peter said to him, “Lord, if it be you bid me come unto thee?” and Jesus said, “Come.” As Peter stepped out of the boat onto the sea with faith looking straight at Jesus he walked towards him, but suddenly his focus shifted from Jesus to the angry wave of the sea and he began to sink. Why? Because he allowed fear, he became worried, anxious, and restless. He cried, “Lord, Save me!”

The question is how do you go back to focus after being lost in the jungle of confusion or have diverted from the real thing? You know it’s not all that easy to just jump back right into it after you’ve left it for a while and get that maximum or first attention, so the best way to get back is to do the following:

Pause: Put all activities on hold.
Retreat: Go back. Withdraw yourself from every distraction and be alone. Have time to think
Reflect: Ask yourself some questions like, “What am I doing?”, “Why am I doing this?”, “What made me start doing this?”, “How did it come about?“,  “what led to it, why did I jump into it, what was the reason?”, “What do I actually want?”
Re-trace: start tracing your steps backward until ye get to the spot where you fell off
Re-Focus: re-focus on the goal
Trust: trust God with your plans and depend on him for success