The blessing of waiting for the Lord

The blessing of waiting for the Lord

Today’s exposition is titled, The blessing of waiting for the Lord. Psalm 40:1-2

One important attribute of God every believer should know is His patience. If we understand this, we will have a great, happy and fruitful relationship with him. Unlike man, God never rushes to do anything, and this is because, He’s in control of everything.

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If you’re a child of God, you’d have noticed that God always commands us to wait for him. I’ll highlight five (5) ways God wants us to wait for him from Psalm 40:1-2; 37:7-8

So, how do we wait for the Lord?

1. Wait patiently not anxiously.

When we wait anxiously, there is every tendency we lose patience and run ahead of God. And when we run ahead of God, we waste all the time waited and put a stop to the blessing.

The psalmist from the text waited patiently until God brought him out of the horrible pit and miry clay.

How do we wait for the Lord?

2. Wait cheerfully not angrily

Waiting cheerfully will be the case when we trust the One we are waiting for. If we know that he is able to do what he has promised us no matter the circumstance or timing, we would wait cheerfully for Him.

How do we wait for the Lord?

3. Wait actively not passively
Some people think waiting for God means waiting idle. God hates idleness in every shade. Don’t say you’re waiting for God, folding your hands and doing nothing. God will not be happy with you if you’re doing that. He want you to be actively engaged in something productive while waiting for him.

How do we wait for the Lord?

4. Wait hopefully not in despair…

until God lift you up or vindicate you. Someone said, you can’t hope on something that hasn’t been promised you. So if God has promise you something, you have every reason to hope for it and your hope will not be put to shame.

Joel 2:25-27
“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.”

God is able to restore those years you think were wasted or eaten up and satisfy you beyond your expectation. But you have to be hopeful, knowing that he is faithful that has promised.

How do we wait for the Lord?

5. Wait for the Saviour don’t be the Saviour

The difference between David and Saul, Israel kings, was that David waited patiently for God to vindicate him out of the threats of Saul and give the kingdom to him. He had opportunity to kill Saul and put an end to his fears but he said, “God forbid it that I should do evil to touch the Lord’s anointed…” At the time appointed, the kingdom was turned to him and was established in his hand.

Decide to wait for the Lord today, and as you do so, always remember this;

– God is never late
– He is able to restore your waiting years
– He will satisfy you in abundance for waiting patiently
– He will establish you for waiting hopefully
– He will honour you for trusting him while waiting