A Christian I once knew – (backsliding)

A Christian I once knew – (backsliding)

A Christian I once knew – letter to a straying believer

I feel like opening this letter with series of questions, but how I wish they would solve the problem. But if I may ask, “Who did this to you?”

From his new outlook and disposition, from his conduct and language, you could tell that he has encountered the saving grace of Jesus, the only Son of God. From his sobriety and boldness to tell friends, sinners, well wishers, enemies, neighbours, everyone about his new stand with God (See post-> Let’s talk about Jesus), you are sure it’s no joke that a transformation has taken place in his heart. From the watermarks he places on every word of his, you could tell that, of a truth he has found a new lover and friend — Jesus Christ. From his boasting about the only One that saved him from his past, now you are sure it’s no more a matter of convincing, he has decided to follow Jesus…

But all of a sudden…

What happened?

Was it pressures? Are you beginning to get the harsh criticism and mockery of people that left you thinking deeply about your attitude in Christ?

You have been deceived. Who told you you were being foolish for carrying your Lord so high? Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”

You were about winning men for Jesus. Men and women from their secret places which you may not know. They were watching, reading and listening to your words of conviction about Jesus the Saviour, unfortunately, you allowed external forces and internal fears to shrink you. You began to undo your repentance because you thought or perhaps the world made you feel sorry for yourself. You began to crave their acceptance, approval and friendship… You no longer cared for godliness and sobriety but for flippancy and frivolity because you want to gain back your world (Mark 8:36)

you are fast losing your convictions. The world knows it better than you are aware of but won’t ask you why ? Because…

“if ye were of the world, the world would love his own…” – John 15:19

But then, they will wonder, “What happened to your Christianity?”

Christianity is a decision not to be denied after it is made. A Faith to follow not a feeling. It’s not what we do when we are happy alone but a life time work we commit our life to to work it out to the end (Philippians 2:12). It is a life of daily deciding to remain with Christ. It is a high life that takes a high resolve to keep and maintain, and a life of loving Jesus everyday so much as not to love your past any more. Jesus did not promise believers a problem free life after they become Christians, rather he prepared them to what they must face as real standing believers. When Simon Peter asked Christ what their reward would be for leaving all they had behind to follow him, Jesus’ reply to Peter was that they would get back all they had left behind in hundred fold plus persecutions. Apostle Paul also in 2 Timothy 3:12 said, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” That is to say, as long as a believer is ready to stand for righteousness, they should expect persecutions at some point which may take different forms from oppositions, harsh criticism or mockery, denial of right, some times isolation, but in the world to come eternal life.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

Believers are to be of good cheer when they see these things coming to pass because it is a sign that they still stand with God, as long as they are not suffering for a wrong they did but for righteousness. Perhaps you are a straying believer, Jesus still loves you. He is calling out to you. Return, my son, Return. Return to your Lord, your first love, your joy, your boasting and confidence. In him is life abundant. The world can’t give you that life you’re looking for. That fame alone is in Christ. Come back home. You are a blessed child of God

Come Back And Be A Christian